Contact Information

by Charlie Merrill

Jeff Street Baptist Community at Liberty

(a long name for a little church...explanation below...)

502-585-3787 (502-58JESUS)

800 E Liberty St

Louisville KY, 40204



So let’s break it down…


JEFF STREET: Strange name given that we’re on Liberty Street, right? But we used to be on Jefferson Street, and there used to be a low-income housing project across the street from us, and all of our friends there knew us by the name, “Jeff Street.” So we kept that part of our name when we moved to Liberty Street. We’ve talked about changing it to something simpler, but nothing’s felt right.


BAPTIST: Yep. We’re Baptist. Which means that we believe in some pretty cool things, including an old fashioned term called “the priesthood of the believer,” which means that all of us are gifted and called by God to serve. So you might hear a teen preach or be served communion by a child.  We are proud to be members of the Alliance of Baptists.


COMMUNITY: We are a family of sorts. One of our church members complained once that she couldn’t tell which kids belonged to who. Good problem to have.


AT LIBERTY: Okay, maybe you had to be there. But when we got kicked out of our building by the local Baptist Association back in the early 90s for hiring a (gulp) woman pastor, the play on words was just too great to pass up. We’re not just ON liberty, we’re AT liberty. To follow God’s Spirit as we feel led. And that creative, liberating, loving Spirit leads us into some wonderful places.