
Sunday Worship 11am-12:30pm

powerful, prophetic, heart-warming, challenging, disturbing, biblical, timely, Godly sermons

 folk music, hymns new and old

silent and spoken prayer


Children and Youth Activities

children's church, kids' club, parent's night out, 

Vacation Bible School, 

youth group, family and youth outings, Unidiversity 

Goatwalker Coffee House

2nd Saturday every month

7:00-9:30pm (doors open at 7, mic begins at 7:30)

Church members, guests and unhoused friends all gather for an open-mic night of music, poetry and sharing artful expressions

Women's Coffee House

Tuesdays and Thursdays 8:00-10:00am

Women (unhoused or those in need) are offered coffee, breakfast and other necessities. 

Donate a book (or magazine), take a book, enjoy reading!


Citizens of Louisville Organized and United Together is an interracial, interfaith, city-wide justice ministry, using non-violent direct action community organizing to seek God's justice in our city.  We participate whole-heartedly as a community.