Who We Are

We are beloved by God and one another.

We are a welcoming and affirming church.  (statement below)

We are a peace church that works for justice.  (statement below)

We are Baptist by name, but in fact, are a conglomeration of Baptists, Presbyterians, Catholics, Mennonites, and a bit of everything and everyone else. 

We are followers of Jesus, working for justice, expanding grace, and sharing love.  (covenant below)

Mission Statement: Jeff Street is a welcoming and affirming faith community rooted in extravagant love.  Following Jesus' example, we are called to do justice, stand with the poor, offer hospitality, wage peace, deepen our spirituality, celebrate the creativity of God and God’s people, and love each other into radical belonging and Christian discipleship.



Having experienced God's love as shown through the

life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, we, the

members of the Jeff Street Baptist Community at

Liberty, share this promise of commitment and

covenant to:

cultivate an awareness of God through

devotional activities such as Bible study,

prayer, and worship experiences;

share all things, regarding our possessions as

gifts from God to be used for the betterment of

all persons one to another;

deepen our relationships by being honest,

open, and forgiving one another;

work to ensure that Creation is respected,

enhanced, and protected;

discover and affirm our individual gifts and use

them in celebration as God's servants;

speak out against all forms of oppression to

insure the dignity and worth of all people;

accept our responsibility as ministers of

reconciliation in the world by helping people to

accept one another and God;

do peace and justice in all life circumstances;

witness to the redemptive love of Jesus Christ;

participate in and contribute to the mission of

the Church.

With God's help, and the support of one another, we

covenant together to fulfill the purpose of the Church.

We, the Jeff Street Baptist Community at Liberty, as

Christians, aim to love God and others by helping them,

believing as God loves us, we should love others.


Jeff Street Baptist Community at Liberty

Statement of Affirmation and Welcome for All


For in Christ Jesus you are all children of God, through faith.  For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ.  There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.

(Galatians 3:26-28)

Having covenanted together

To discover and affirm our individual gifts and use them in celebration as God’s servants;

To speak out against all forms of oppression to insure the dignity and worth of all people;

To accept our responsibility as ministers of reconciliation in the world by helping people to accept one another and God; and

To promote peace and justice in all life circumstances;

 We, the Jeff Street Baptist Community at Liberty, further state that we 

welcome and affirm all people, regardless of race, nationality, class, gender, age, ability, sexual orientation, or gender identity as we seek to understand and live a life reflecting Paul’s statement that we “are all one in Christ Jesus.”



As a community of faith we have covenanted together:

As a community of faith we further declare that:

As a community of faith we believe that all persons should examine and speak out against individual, corporate, and national participation in the forms of political and economic oppression that cause war and work, even if at some cost to themselves, to discover constructive avenues of peacemaking within these venues, for in doing so we demonstrate our obedience to Jesus Christ.

The rational for our Peace Statement can be found HERE with Biblical references and specific commitments.